Enhancing Partnerships & Loyalty:

Join Our Exclusive Focus Group

We're committed to elevating our services and fostering deeper partnerships with you!

Your insights play a crucial role in shaping our endeavors. We're excited to extend an exclusive invitation to you.

Join Our Exclusive Focus Group

Date: November 22, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Express Employment Professionals and Specialized Recruiting Group Office, 10145 104 Street, Edmonton

What's in Store:

This isn't your typical meeting. We're inviting you to a dynamic Focus Group Discussion where we'll delve into a groundbreaking concept—our potential loyalty program. Your perspective as one of our choice clients is important as we chart the course for this initiative.

Why Attend?

  • Influence the Shape: Your feedback will directly impact how we tailor our loyalty program to meet your unique needs.

  • Strengthen Bonds: Discover how this initiative can deepen our partnership and save your network time and money.

  • Networking Opportunity: Connect with fellow industry leaders and share experiences and ideas.

Your Opinion Matters:

At SRG, we're committed to creating an environment where your insights drive innovation. Join us on November 22nd to explore new horizons together.

RSVP & Contact:

Space is limited for this exclusive event. Kindly RSVP by November 8, 2024, by filling out the form below.